Hello and thanks for your interest in getting to know me better!!  

For as long as I can remember, I have been the person others would come to for advice or fun ideas on how to optimize their time in New York City.  While working as an Information Technologist for over 15 years, I was mostly interested in exploring and uncovering treasures within my city.  To make things official, I decided to leave Corporate America behind to pursue my true calling.  Connecting with people and helping create unforgettable memories feeds my soul and I have learned that life is too short to lose time doing anything else.

I established my business in 2016 at which time I became a licensed NYC Sightseeing Guide and Certified Tour Director.  While tossing ideas around for what to call my company, my uncle said to me, “Why not call it ‘Just Ask Christine’?  It’s what people say anyway!”  His suggestion made so much sense and just like that, JUST ASK CHRISTINE was born.

I now have the privilege of waking up each morning knowing I will make a difference in people’s lives and there is no better feeling in the world than this.

Some fun facts about me:

  • I LOVE to dance! So much so that I used to sneak out of the office to take Ballroom lessons on my lunch break!
  • I love to eat! The result: an insane ability to rattle off amazing restaurant suggestions at a moment’s notice, no matter what the cuisine.
  • I am happiest when outdoors. I love taking long walks, making fun discoveries and meeting new people along the way.
  • I am passionate about travel, art, community and supporting small business.

Hopefully this has given you a good sense of who I am. Perhaps I’ve even inspired you in some way. If there’s something you’ve been wishing for in your own life, it’s yours, you just have to go for it!


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